Tel: 01527 831794

Electro-Technik was established in 1984 and have celebrated over 30 years in business, we have our origins in the cable harness and wiring looms industry, since then we have an outstanding commitment to quality and manufacturing excellent products to you whilst remaining flexible. We pride ourselves in working flexible with low moq’s and quick turnaround times.
Our services range from creating bespoke looms and harnesses to turnkey projects. We aim to help businesses and OEM’s reduce costs without compromising on quality. Electro-Technik can manufacture and supply wiring looms and a cable harnesses to meet any requirements, no matter how many you need or how complex.
There are a lot of different types of forms to build a cable harness, it all depends on its application. We can provide a ready-made cable harness which is deemed as cable assemblies or offer you a bespoke solution that is made to your exact requirements.
There are many advantages of using a cable harness over loose cabling or wiring. By assembling all of the wires and cables together, the application will be securer, safer, and easier to manage. There is also an outer, protective jacket to the harness which will make it more rigidity, allowing it to safeguard the wire assembly against any threats like abrasions, breakages, vibrations or more.
We have worked with a range of industries, including the military, security and communication sector. Electro-Technik are able to create a cable harness to suit your businesses requirements. We aim to work closely with our customers and each customer will have their own direct manager they can contact if they require any assistance.
Electro-Technik are proud to hold many accreditations, we have a strong emphasis on quality control and strict disciplines. We have an ISO certificate for cable harness assemblies and also the Queens Award for Innovation. We are now an accredited UL Cable Harness manufacture allows us to product any products for the US and Canadian markets, we aim to follow all UL procedures and traceability program.